Step One: towards cultural change?
While it is grand to have a vision, I must admit mine is all internally focused. I wish for the development of a library culture as described in my last post because that is the environment I wish to work in.
Unfortunately, buy in for a vision of culture change may be limited because not everyone wants "that" cultural change much less any change at all. The other problem being that it is internally focused versus externally focused, the latter being easier in my opinion. You also need enough individuals to achieve the "tipping point" everyone talks of. I don't think we're there yet or organized enough yet. Plus, I need to come up with ways to pepper my chats around the water cooler with practical implementations or suggestions that will start generating ideas. I don't know what those are yet. OK and yeah, I need to find the watercooler...there must be one somewhere in the library...or maybe the coffee pot will do...
I thought I'd start small. For any discussions or confrontations that occur, I am trying to pull away from personality towards process and big picture or "systems thinking," hoping to engender a more positive environment. "Why is x duh? Well, let me tell you about the context within which x is currently working such that z isn't happening...." Hopefully between providing context and persistence some people will start to shift position or mental models. Identifying the common ground is critical "yes, I agree that is a problem..." to start to build a new culture or perception that a new culture may be possible. I could be all wrong but it is worth a shot...