how do we evaluate ourselves: a process
I've been reviewing the CILIP forms for certification, chartership and fellowship. Very interesting approach that might be modified for our internal renewal, promotion and permanence process. I was rather hoping for a single form and process but they have multiple forms. For professional development alone there is a form to record your plan, a log to record your activities, and a form for you to evaluate your professional development (self-assessment, reflective aspect). The plan and the log are submitted as part of one's assessment when applying for certification, etc.
This process doesn't seem to address service to the community (city, university) but somewhat addresses service to the profession and it doesn't reflect research activities. The assessment form used by CILIP for Fellowship includes "evidence of substantial achievement in professional practice...significant contribution to all or part of the profession." This implies, in my opinion, the fellowship assessment is more equivalent to what is required here internally at this library. Thus the certification and chartership may be used to inform, but not direct, whatever process we might decide to derive from the fellowship documentation. This information or even the other processes may perhaps be more appropriate for "newbie" librarians, as opposed to those of us who have been operating for a while in the LIS field.
It still doesn't address research and the need(?) for a research plan.
If we can say/agree our activities here are made up of four parts: CPD, research, practice, profession, than we can start to address how to record it and how to self-evaluate and externally evaluate it all. I like the CPD plan, log of activities and the evaluative aspect to the whole thing. We would also need a research plan, log(?) and an evaluative aspect(?) [maybe a research blog?]. It isn't clear how one is to record (c.v.?) activities that represent achievement in practice [your job] and your contribution to the profession [your association activities as opposed to just membership?]. Hmmm.
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