on the nascent academic Librarian's movement in Canada
Fascinating talk and apropos for the responding to the changes in Librarianship we're facing. Seth Godin speaks on his concept of tribes which is happening now in Canada.
Librarians in higher education (and elsewhere) are looking for a voice and a movement (a tribe) is coalescing in response. We began looking to our leaders, our organizations, for leadership. Those organizations are refusing to lead (one has stated we are not their business or tribe or community of interest, take your pick) or are just now exploring what kind of relationship might exist with us as individuals. It is taking too long. The movement or needs of the tribe will outstrip those activities.
Thus this perspective is useful: Godin asks 3 pertinent questions with respect to tribes:
Who exactly are you upsetting? (If you aren't upsetting anyone you aren't changing the status quo);
Who are you connecting? (people are in it for the connections);
Who are you leading? (focus on the who, not the mechanics because that is where the change will come from).
He closes his talk by challenging us to create a movement. He challenges each of us to lead:
Right now, I'm just coalescing and connecting as I mull over the leadership question. I found the Facebook page I Love Librarians (author unknown) and the Progressive Librarians Guild page, and am (so far) a lurking member of the Virtual Academic Librarianship Collective PBWorks wiki. I just sent an email inquiring about the latter's intention(s) re: a Facebook page. So share the love and start connecting also!
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